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Dr. Johannes Preiser-Kapeller


Investigador, Instituto de Estudios Medievales y Bizantinos, Academia Austriaca de las Ciencias.


Docente, Universidad de Viena.




(with E. Kislinger), “ ‘The sun was darkened for seventeen days’ (AD 797). An

interdisciplinary exploration of a celestial phenomenon between Byzantium, Charlemagne and a volcanic eruption”. Medieval Worlds (under review)


“The Microbiology of Early Globalization: Pandemics and Imperial Entanglements in

the 2nd to 8th Century”. Rikkyo University Journal of Historical Studies 81 (2021), pp. 101-116 [in Japanese, translated by M. Ozawa, online:].


“Networks and the Resilience and Fall of Empires: a Macro-Comparison between the Imperium Romanum and Imperial China”. Siedlungsforschung: Archäologie – Geschichte –Geographie 36 (2020), pp. 59-98 []


(with Ek. Mitsiou), “Mercantile and religious mobility between Byzantines, Latins and

Muslims, 1200-1500: on the theory and practice of social networks”. Medieval Worlds, Issue 1/2019, pp. 187-216 [open access online:]


(with E. Xoplaki et al.), “Modelling Climate and Societal Resilience in the Eastern

Mediterranean in the Last Millennium”. Human Ecology 46 (2018), pp. 363-379

[open access online:




(with P. Turchin, T. E. Currie et al.), “Quantitative historical analyses uncover a single

dimension of complexity that structures global variation in human social organization”.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Early

Edition December 2017, [peer reviewed]



Últimas conferencias


“Die „erste“ Pandemie? Alte und neue Befunde zum Ursprung, Verlauf und Ende der Justinianischen Pest des 6. bis 8. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.”, 17.03.2022.


“Signs of the End of Times? The Turn of the First Millennium AD, the Oort Minimum and Natural Disasters in the Byzantine Empire and Beyond”, Lecture at the Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies of the Central European University, Vienna, 27.01.2022: [video online:]


“New research on the environmental, climatic and epidemic history of the Middle Ages, ca. 500-1400 CE”, Univ. Vienna (Prof. Philippe Buc), 13.12.2021


“Long term perspectives on microbiological globalization from environmental history and palaeogenetics: findings, potentials, and pitfalls”, Seminar University of Ghent “Birth, Marriage and Death: Life Cycles from Antiquity to the Present”, 06.12.2021:


 “Between "Migration Periods": Population Movements, Environmental Change and Economic Dynamics within Byzantium and adjacent Empires in the 8th Century”, Austrian Academy of Sciences. The Wittgenstein-Project "Moving Byzantium", 20.11.2021.


“Early microbiological globalisation? Epidemics and epizootics in Western Afro-Eurasia in the first Millennium CE and possible teleconnections to East Asia”, Lecture for the Institute for Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 16.11.2021.




Der Lange Sommer und die Kleine Eiszeit. Klima, Pandemien und der Wandel der Alten

Welt von 500 bis 1500 n. Chr. Vienna 2021, 448 pp. [El verano largo y la pequeña Edad de Hielo, Pandemias y cambio en el mundo antiguo, de 500 a 1500 D.C.]


Die erste Ernte und der große Hunger. Klima, Pandemien und der Wandel der Alten

Welt bis 500 n. Chr. Vienna 2021, 380 pp. [La primera cosecha y la gran hambruna. Clima, pandemias y cambio en el mundo antiguo hasta el año 500 D.C. ]


Jenseits von Rom und Karl dem Großen. Aspekte der globalen Verflechtung in der

langen Spätantike, 300-800 n. Chr.. Vienna 2018, 292 pp. [Más allá de Roma y Carlomagno. Aspectos de la interconectividad en la larga Tardo-antigüedad, 300-800 D.C.]

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